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kPower's Kite Farm in Maxwell Texas

The heart of a Kite Farm is the anchor field.  We started with 4 twelve inch wide disk anchors (right) burried 3 feet down (thanks to the auger above). Photo at far right shows the belay gear (winch and trolley) which allowed us to keep MOTHRA directly cross wind.

Crosswind Cableway (above left). Note double drive kite engine positioned in line with the cable which is held off the ground with a bridge (foreground). MOTHRA 1 lays out in the sun (above right) while the mowing takes place. This dual crop (hay and kite energy) maximizes land use. Hay is the perfect companion crop to kites providing a soft landing & grown in vast wide open spaces...

Kite Aerial Photography above and above right

KAP "Crop Circles" 

kite's tether

outline of anchor field, cable ways, & kite launching runways

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